The Author
Bill Pellew-Harvey was born in Norfolk and moved with his parents to Kenya at the outbreak of the Mau Mau Rebellion.
Aged 21 he moved to London to join a well known City trading house and four years later was to set up his own trading company.
A series of events saw his business base take in many parts of the world including Thailand, Libya, Egypt, Iraq, California, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Turkey, Italy and Hong Kong.
His trading activities included food, armaments and security equipment, televisions, large infrastructures, airlines and much important work for various government agencies. This is a story like no other and also reveals his work as an intelligence agent.
Wrongly vilified by the media at the time of the Iraq war this is the story behind those headlines and many others.
Domiciled in Hong Kong, Bill continues his aircraft trading activities with his focus on Asia.
Wrongly vilified by the media at the time of the Iraq war this is the story behind those headlines and many others.
Domiciled in Hong Kong, Bill continues his aircraft trading activities with his focus on Asia.
The Trader
Bill Pellew-Harvey
Available to purchase now.